What is the commercial Translation? (Part⁵)

 Commercial means: Engage in business or engage with.

 A glance at grammar:   

Commercial (Adjective) Commerce (Noun) but mostly is used as Noun Trade:


I want to share a thing that was attached to the previous blog....

A great man asked me why do you add meaning first? Not need to add meaning here.

 Sir, I appreciate your thoughts, (I so happy when someone raises such question)

Sir, I don't write here meaning or grammar but I mention the root of meaning which makes the whole article easier for the readers and readers be happy and get benefit from this article.


Defination of Commercial Translation:

Commercial Translation is a type of translation where is used business stuff Like, memos, commercial brouchers,  delivery notes, Packaging, Catalogues, claims, Product presentation brochure,  invoices, Advertising slogans, Poster etc.


As I mentioned in first blog there are Two types of Translation

First¹ Related to Business, Second ² Not Related to Business......

Whenever a person reads something related to translation, he should read the whole article keeping in mind two things So that the reader is not confused.


What should the qualities of a commercial translator?

A commercial Translator should be expert because of Commercial’s contents are translated by professionals who have knowledge of sales and marketing field, as well as specialist in commercial Translation (business Translation).


Conclusion: In commercial translation, Two things are very important first¹ marketing second ² sales, at the same time, it’s also necessary commercial translator is knowledgeable of this field.



I hope you enjoyed this article, my goal is to provide the readers with excellent information about translation, So that they do not have to search for this article in any other site or internet, This will also save their time and get the good information in one place. If you have any doubt regarding this article or you want there should be some improvement in it then you can comment below.



Note: The things that are most important are highlighted and colored so that it is easy to understand:


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